Download ip man 3 1080p
Download ip man 3 1080p

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not just the fight scenes,but every emotional scene.Ip Man 3 has improved dramatically from the previous 2 installments,due to the additional of love stories and humour, besides incredibleaction by Yuen Woo Ping.While many is claiming that Ip Man 3 is the best of the trilogy, I willnot go so far as that. But one needs to use his/her heart tounderstand, and use their eyes to observe. His jokes in the films are excellent,while his emotional scenes touch the hearts of every audience.To sum it all up, Ip Man 3 is the excellent and perhaps perfect endingto the Ip Man trilogy.

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Ip Man is willing to give up his cigaretteaddiction for his family, and to give up any prestige and reputationfor his son(when he was kidnapped) and his wife(to spend more time withher).Donnie's performance in his movie alone, is capable of leavingaudiences in tears in the cinema.

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Hisperformance as a grounded, highly-skilled martial artist continue toimpress, but its his work as a father and as a husband that will stayin our hearts forever. 'DonnieYen IS Ip Man', and there have been voices of boycott of otherunrelated Yip Mun films starring other actors.For fans of Donnie Yen, his performance will not disappoint you. Many fans will be watching Ip Man 3simply because Donnie is back as Ip Man, and to many people. Be it hinting 'Be like water', or thefirst scene of 'Butterfly'(a Chinese mythology of a returning spirit ofa love one, key hint to subsequent events in the film), there are manydetails which ordinary viewers might overlook, but observant viewerswill fall in love with the film.Now, refocusing back on Donnie Yen. But fans who look at details, andunderstanding of Martial Arts will enjoy Yuen's style much more thanSammo Hung, be it water droplets fading upon reaching the ground, glasscausing balloon string to snap, 'One-inch punch' finish, we are lookingat extreme details and incredible beauty of martial arts, which haveNEVER been present in Ip Man 1 and 2.Director Wilson Yip's way of expressing his ideas in Ip Man 3 is thatmuch deeper than previous films. Instead of just realistic fight scenes, Yuen Woo Ping(IronMonkey, Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) was brought in to add'beauty' and 'detail' into every fight scene? So what is the result? Abeautiful film in its own right, which may spark differences in opinionbetween people who understood the film, and people who don't.Fans who are not used to Yuen Woo Ping's style will find the actionweaker than Ip Man 1 and 2. Instead ofNationalist Pride, the main focus of Ip Man 3 is human emotion andmelodrama. They decided to go for a different directionwith Ip Man 3, a stark contrast from Ip Man 1 and 2.

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But whenexpectations are high, and compared to Dark Knight(2008), people leftthe cinema disappointed.This is where the difference comes in, director Wilson Yip and ProducerRaymond Wong took a risk. WhileDark Knight(2008) was so good, people were thinking how Dark KnightRises(2012) can surpass that, and expectations were Sky-High.Similarly, our expectations of Ip Man 3 is at an all time high, due tothe hugely enjoyable Ip Man(2008) and Ip Man 2(2010).Was the Dark Knight Rises a good movie? Definitely. Let's face it, many of us knew about Ip Man because of Donnie Yen.While there have been many other 'Ip Man' movies produced by other filmcompanies, other teams and directors, Peagasus Motion Pictures havedeclared that these have no relations to Donnie Yen's Ip Man trilogy.The other Ip Man movies have been mediocre at best, in terms of bothcritical and commercial success.The truth is the Ip Man trilogy is like the Dark Knight trilogy.

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